Friday 14 January 2011

Weaving workshop...

Thursday was weaving day ! We were learning the ancient craft of tablet weaving which at first because the small number of components on the list that it would be very simple, I was wrong ! using cards with one hole in each corner and a yarn in each hole you twist and turn the tablets to get patterns. At first it was a little confusing but after a while i got the hang of it and came out with these little swatches of fabric...

The first two swatches used only two colours of wool and 10 tablets so they were relatively easy to make and you can see that I've tried out a few different patterns by rotating the cards in different ways. The last one was a bit more adventurous this used 4 colours and 20 cards. This was a very tricky one and took a long time, the threads kept getting tangled but it was well worth doing.

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