Once I had done this I had to copy the pattern onto the cross stitch fabric and start sewing. Because of where i took the pictures from it means that the pattern on the cushion only lines up with the background when you view it from one angle. I think this is a nice quality because it means that when isolated from the background the images because less recognisable as the background picture and become more intriguing shapes and lines.
I haven't completely finished the stitching part of the cushions yet but here is how far I have got...
Now I just need to completely finish the cushion and fill it with the foam. Because it has taken such a long time I have ordered some larger rug fabric which has bigger squares, this will make it quicker to make the next one up, and because the next one is just block colours it doesn't need to be small squares because there isn't enough detail for it to make a difference. However I am worried that the big squared design next to the small squared design will not look as good and they wont look cohesive as a pair. To make them seem more cohesive I will use the same shade of cream which hopefully when they are isolated from the background they will seem like they belong together.