Friday, 11 February 2011


So I've finally finished my portfolio and have been working on a collections project which focusses on my teacup collection. Because I only have the teacups and not the saucers my project really came from the idea of completing my project by making saucer or saucer type objects to make the set.

I experimented with trying to cast new saucers with different materials using fabric casting techniques and a 2 part mould to do flash moulding and a rotational mould. Unfortunately my casting wasn't that successful, but I came up with the idea of making coasters with the same pattern. I'm not completely happy with this project but I will develop it more over the weekend if i get enough time.

These are my unsuccessful latex saucers but now I have the mould I will try making some more that are a bit better but for a first try they were okay.

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